Top 5 Green Energy startups in Nigeria

Updated: April 10, 2024 | Editor: Alexander Gillet

Funding: $28.6M
Rensource allows qualifying companies throughout Nigeria and West Africa to start selling Power-as-a-Service (PaaS) to their customers.
Funding: $28.6M
Rensource allows qualifying companies throughout Nigeria and West Africa to start selling Power-as-a-Service (PaaS) to their customers.
Funding: $9M
Arnergy is a distributed utility leveraging on internet of things (IOT) to providing reliable solar power for businesses in emerging markets
Funding: $2.7M
Beacon Power Services is a utility company that provides energy management software and analytics for utilities.
Funding: $120K
Ashipa Electric is an energy company focused on developing reliable microgrids in Africa and in the Caribbean Islands...
Editor: Alexander Gillet
Alexander Gillet is a senior editor for EnergyStartups. He has a deep background in energy sector and startups. Alexander graduated from Emlyon Business School, a leading French business school specialized in entrepreneurship. He has helped several non-profit organizations dedicated to promoting environmental education and sustainability and has written over 250 articles on energy technology for various websites. In his free time, Alexander enjoys yoga, camping and exploring the Blue Ridge Mountains. You can contact Alexander at alexgillet(at)energystartups(dot)com