6 books on Smart City [PDF]

Updated: April 21, 2024

Books on Smart Cities are indispensable resources for startups dedicated to the development of energy-efficient urban solutions and the transformation of cities into sustainable and intelligent environments. These resources provide a comprehensive foundation, covering various aspects of smart city technology, urban planning, energy management, and IoT integration. They delve into advanced techniques such as smart infrastructure, green building design, and data-driven urban governance, emphasizing the importance of reducing energy consumption, enhancing the quality of life for citizens, and minimizing environmental impact. Moreover, these books often include practical examples, case studies, and best practices, allowing startups to understand the intricacies of smart city projects and adapt these solutions to real-world urban applications.

1. Energy Efficient Cities of Today and Tomorrow
2021 by Jukka Heinonen, Sanna Ala-Mantila, Ortzi Akizu-Gardoki

The process of urbanization and its associated environmental impacts require cities to undergo a fundamental shift towards sustainability. Cities, while driving economic growth, also contribute significantly to environmental degradation. The urgency of the situation demands that cities transition into low-energy and low-carbon systems. However, this transformation is multifaceted and time-sensitive. The Special Issue titled "Energy Efficient Cities of Today and Tomorrow" aims to deepen our understanding of the future energy needs of urban areas and the development of low-energy, low-carbon cities. The papers included in this publication span from large-scale assessments of cities leading the way in environmental efforts to in-depth investigations of pro-environmental attitudes and their influence on individual emissions. Additionally, the issue explores the carbon footprint impact of shared goods and services.
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2. Smart Cities
2020 by Germaine Halegoua

In the past decade, smart cities have emerged as a prominent concept, promising a vision of urban life that can be better understood and managed through data collection and analysis. This book provides a concise introduction to smart cities, offering essential knowledge on key concepts, definitions, historical contexts, and practical examples. It navigates through the complex terrain of smart cities, addressing the potential benefits and drawbacks of this approach to urban problem-solving. The text examines the terminology and justifications commonly used by technology designers, researchers, and journalists and presents three models for smart city development: smart-from-the-start cities, retrofitted cities, and social cities, with illustrative examples. It also explores the technologies and methodologies involved, such as sensors, public Wi-Fi, big data, and smartphone apps, while emphasizing the importance of collaboration between smart city developers and local communities to enhance the quality of urban life.
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3. Smart Rules for Smart Cities: Managing Efficient Cities in Euro-Mediterranean Countries
2014 by Eleonora Riva Sanseverino, Raffaella Riva Sanseverino, Valentina Vaccaro, Gaetano Zizzo

This book delves into the necessity for new regulations and guidelines to facilitate the integration of smart city technologies, addressing the environmental and energy challenges that contemporary cities with expanding populations face. It presents a methodological approach for developing a smart urban or building code tailored to local administrations, taking into account existing European regulatory frameworks and assessing the economic viability of proposed measures. Using a case study of a major Mediterranean city in Italy as an illustrative example, the book highlights the cultural barriers stemming from traditional individualism that hinder resource sharing. Additional features include a smart cities atlas, guidance on crafting local regulations for sustainable construction, and tools for economic evaluation of the impact of building automation and passive energy efficiency measures. With a multidisciplinary perspective, this book offers valuable insights to anyone interested in the transformation toward smart cities aligned with sustainable development objectives.
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4. Energizing Green Cities in Southeast Asia: Applying Sustainable Urban Energy and Emissions Planning
2013 by Dejan R. Ostojic, Ranjan K. Bose, Holly Krambeck, Jeanette Lim, Yabei Zhang

Cities are at the forefront of global energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, with urbanization and income growth projected to exacerbate these trends, particularly in rapidly developing regions like East Asia and the Pacific (EAP). This book outlines a comprehensive strategy for transforming EAP cities into catalysts for green growth, emphasizing energy-efficient solutions to infrastructure challenges. It advocates for governmental reform, capacity building, and enhanced energy planning to integrate energy efficiency into urban development and implement low-carbon policies. Drawing from case studies in Cebu City (the Philippines), Da Nang (Vietnam), and Surabaya (Indonesia), it illustrates the use of the Sustainable Urban Energy and Emissions Planning (SUEEP) platform to identify and prioritize green investments across major infrastructure sectors. The book presents SUEEP as a collaborative framework for municipal governments, stakeholders, private investors, and financing institutions to achieve green growth objectives at the city level. Additionally, it offers a step-by-step Guidebook for cities to develop their energy and emissions plans and translate aspirations into actionable initiatives for enhanced energy efficiency and emissions reduction.
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5. The Very Hungry City: Urban Energy Efficiency and the Economic Fate of Cities
2012 by Austin Troy

With the growing global demand for energy and the escalating costs, the economic viability of a city becomes intricately linked to its energy consumption, a central concern addressed in "The Very Hungry City." Austin Troy, an established authority in urban environmental management, elucidates the consequences of a city's high "urban energy metabolism," signifying its significant energy requirements for basic functioning, which could jeopardize its competitive standing in the future. Drawing upon examples from various cities and suburbs across Europe and the United States, Troy explores the multifaceted factors influencing their energy consumption, encompassing behavior, climate, water resources, building infrastructure, transportation, and more. He then evaluates innovative strategies proposed by cities, such as green construction, energy-efficient urban planning, symbiotic infrastructure, congestion pricing, transit-focused development, and water conservation. In closing, the author delves into planning and policy measures essential for instigating transformative change and translating visionary concepts into tangible solutions.
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6. Energy Efficient Cities: Assessment Tools and Benchmarking Practices
2010 by Ranjan K. Bose

Urban areas, housing roughly half of the global population, already consume two-thirds of the world's energy, and with an estimated 70 percent of people expected to reside in cities by 2050, urban energy demands are on an inevitable rise. Addressing this growing need while promoting climate-friendly urban energy solutions is crucial. The Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) of the World Bank initiated the Energy Efficient Cities Initiative in 2008 to tackle this challenge. "Energy Efficient Cities: Assessment Tools and Benchmarking Practices" is a product of this initiative, providing analytical tools and policy insights for assessing and improving urban energy efficiency. From evaluating new cities to considering the impacts of socioeconomic, climate, and demographic changes on existing urban areas, this book offers valuable insights and benchmarks for energy-efficient interventions across various urban sectors. It is an essential resource for policymakers, development practitioners, private sector decision-makers, researchers, and NGOs addressing urban energy challenges.
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