3 books on Blockchain for Energy [PDF]

Updated: March 12, 2024

Books on Blockchain for Energy provide startups in the blockchain energy sector with essential knowledge and insights into the transformative potential of blockchain technology in the energy industry. These resources cover various aspects, from blockchain-based energy trading platforms and grid management to renewable energy certificates and peer-to-peer energy transactions. They delve into advanced techniques like smart contracts, data security, and decentralized energy grids, emphasizing the importance of enhancing transparency, efficiency, and sustainability in the energy sector. Moreover, these books often include practical examples, case studies, and best practices, enabling startups to understand the intricacies of blockchain applications in the energy sector and apply these solutions to real-world energy management and trading.

1. IoT, Machine Learning and Blockchain Technologies for Renewable Energy and Modern Hybrid Power Systems
2023 by C. Sharmeela, P. Sanjeevikumar, P. Sivaraman, Meera Joseph

"IoT, Machine Learning, and Blockchain Technologies for Renewable Energy and Modern Hybrid Power Systems" offers a collection of chapters that elucidate the integration of IoT, machine learning, and blockchain technologies into renewable energy systems and contemporary hybrid power setups, enriched with practical simulation instances and real-world case studies. Upon completing this book, readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of cutting-edge technologies including IoT, machine learning methodologies, and blockchain innovations, along with insights into their practical implementation within the context of renewable energy resources and modern hybrid power systems, as demonstrated through hands-on simulation examples and pertinent case studies.
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2. Smart Energy Management: Data Driven Methods for Energy Service Innovation
2022 by Kaile Zhou, Lulu Wen

"Smart Energy Management: Data-Driven Approaches for Energizing Service Advancements" offers a comprehensive perspective on data-driven decision-making techniques tailored to foster innovation in energy services and optimize energy systems. With a focus on personalized energy services and enhancing energy efficiency, this book contributes significantly to the green transformation of energy systems and the long-term sustainability of society. It pioneers an innovative approach to smart energy management by harnessing diverse data mining and machine learning methods, including fuzzy clustering, shape-based clustering, ensemble clustering, deep learning, and reinforcement learning. The book showcases the practical applications of these data-driven methods in enhancing energy efficiency and catalyzing energy service innovations. Additionally, it investigates the pivotal role of blockchain in supporting peer-to-peer (P2P) electricity trading innovations, bolstering the landscape of smart energy management. The book's scope encompasses load clustering, load forecasting, price-based demand response, incentive-based demand response, and energy blockchain-based electricity trading. Targeting researchers, engineers, graduate and undergraduate students, as well as a broader interested readership, the book distinguishes itself with its multifaceted contributions: introducing diverse data-driven methodologies for addressing various facets of smart energy management, examining their impact on energy service innovation, and exploring the integration of energy blockchain into P2P electricity trading to advance the field of smart energy management.
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3. Blockchain-Based Smart Grids
2020 by Miadreza Shafie-khah

"Blockchain-Based Smart Grids" explores the evolving utilization of blockchain technology in electrical systems, offering insights into its current applications and future prospects within the energy market. With the rapid expansion of renewable energy sources and advancements in telecommunications, new market paradigms are necessary to accommodate the unpredictability and decentralized nature of electricity generation. This book delves into the intersection of blockchain and grid modernization, examining the transformative shift in transactions within smart grids from centralized to peer-to-peer models. It also highlights the effective implementation of these models to streamline processes, ultimately fostering greater flexibility in electricity systems. Geared towards advancing blockchain-based smart grids with a focus on renewable energy applications, this resource is invaluable for researchers and practitioners across various sectors of smart grids, including renewable energy providers, manufacturers, and professionals engaged in renewable energy generation, grid modernization, and smart grid applications.
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